this is some of that frenzied water, racing down the hillside... sometimes this is incredibly dramatic, but often hard to get a shot of... for a great proportion of the time hiking through the sierras there's the background roar of snow-melt fed creeks.
these are some of the flowers the bloom in the thaw. it feels a bit like narnia - the thaw is happening so evidently around us; so immediate and so rapid... i have tried to pick up tree and flower guides along the way, but haven't found any good ones and am still very ignorant about sierra flora...
this is a log creek crossing. i haven't got any shots of the tough ones because i'm spotting the crosser during those, and so have my camera safely away...
and this is the creek straight above the log we are crossing on...
ok... so june 21st - the solstice, is naked hiker day, or hike naked day... quite a few people take on this challenge, including drop dead, who i hope is sufficiently shaded in this shot... you can see pellet, annie and jamz in the distance, walking up the snow towards pinchot pass, our most tiring pass (possibly because we'd climbed whitney (14 496 feet)2 days before and kearsage and glen passes the day before)
classic early morning view...
Wow! That classic morning shot is amazing!